Hi! I’m Eva and I have been a proud and active member of Profectus for 2,5 years now! Currently, I am the Chair of the association and together with my other board members, we’re excited to make this a memorable year for everyone!
Back in ‘22, I joined the association with 0 experience or knowledge about strength sports, but due to the supportive and welcoming atmosphere in our community, I have developed myself as a competitive powerlifter! Therefore, I hope that we can welcome a lot of new members to our association to help them in their fitness journey and to make fun memories with each other in and outside the gym!
Heyyy, my name is Rafael, I am 20 years old and studying medicine. This year I am the Commissioner Internal Affairs and Vice-Chairman. For me it is important that there is a good atmosphere in the association and that everyone feels comfortable with what they do. I have found my passion in powerlifting, which I enjoy doing. The environment at Profectus has supported me and helped me achieve my goals. This was also my motivation to join the board. I want to give new members the same positive and welcoming experience I received when I joined Profectus. Fun fact: for working out in the gym, you don't just need strong hips. You also need very loose hips. That's why I also love to dance Latin so much.
Vice Chair
Hello! My name is Benthe, and I am currently serving as the secretary of NSKV Profectus. I began my powerlifting journey two years ago, and one of the first things I did upon moving to Nijmegen was join Profectus. I’m proud to say I've now been a dedicated member for over a year, and from the very start, Profectus has felt like a warm, welcoming family. The support and friendships I’ve found here mean the world to me, and as secretary, I am grateful for the chance to give back to the association in a meaningful way. I look forward to a year filled with joy, learning, and the opportunity to connect with even more amazing people.
Hi, I am Lisan and I am happy to tell you that I currently serve as the treasurer of NSKV Profectus. I became a member around September 2023. What really spoke to me about Profectus is that it really feels like a big friend group that trains together. And as a bonus you get fun activities outside the gym as well! I really love that everyone is welcome, no matter your gym journey.
I started going to the gym around 2021 and fell in love with the progress from day 1. Within Profectus I learned about powerlifting and in the beginning of this uni year I competed in my first official competition. The support from Profectus is amazing! I am looking forward to a joyful year full of excitement and cannot wait to expand our amazing friend group.
Hey! I’m Farzad, I’m 23 years old and currently studying medicine. I have a ton of hobbies and can never seem to pick just one—I love singing, dancing, flying, and basically trying anything new I can learn. Right now, I’m into semi-powerlifting at Profectus, and I’m also the Commissioner of External Affairs. I joined the board because I was inspired by how much I enjoyed the association and wanted to contribute to it myself. Plus, I get to work with a fantastic team of friends, and we’re always there to support each other. Fun fact about me: I’m so random that, as a medical student, I learned Python programming one summer just because I was bored. It has absolutely nothing to do with my studies, but I love picking up new skills!
General Board Member