about strength sports

What are strength sports exactly? Strength sports are a group of sports centered around muscular strength and endurance. While the specifics of the various sports are different, for all of them, there is one important requirement: Build strength and muscle. Most of our members at Profectus focus on powerlifting, but there are also members who are into bodybuilding, general fitness or other sports.

Our association provides a comprehensive platform that offers multiple training styles to individuals interested in general fitness, powerlifting, strongman, weightlifting, street lifting, and calisthenics.


In powerlifting, the goal is to get as strong as possible on 3 movements: The squat, bench and deadlift. These exercises are the main focus of your training. Moreover, powerlifting offers a fun competitive atmosphere, where you can challenge other people on their lifts. A competition in which a lot of our members compete is the Dutch Student Nationals.In a powerlifting competition, people compete in their corresponding weight class, and try to lift as much weight as possible in the SBD exercises. The one who totals the most, wins! A very simple yet fun sport. For those interested in the raw strength and intensity of powerlifting, our association provides specialized (IPF standard) training equipment and our own training area!


As the name might suggest, bodybuilders focus on building their body. Through training, bodybuilders develop their muscles. The main goal of bodybuilders is aesthetic instead of physical, not only muscle size is important, but also symmetry, proportions and presentation. Within Profectus, we have a lot of bodybuilding enthusiasts that support each other through their fitness journey. What you might not know, bodybuilding offers a competitive element as well! In these competitions, bodybuilders are judged on their size, definitions and symmetry. The one with the most “perfect” body in their respective weight class, wins!

Olympic Weightlifting

Olympic weightlifting has a lot of similarities to powerlifting. With both sports, the goal is to get better at a handful of specific exercises. With powerlifting, this is the squat, bench and deadlift. With olympic weightlifting this is the Clean and Jerk and the Snatch. Both focused on getting a barbell above your head. Similar to powerlifting, the one lifting the most weight in their respective weight class wins!


Strongman is a bit less known than the strength sports that were mentioned previously. With Strong Man, the goal again is to be as strong as possible. The catch is that the exercises are much more creative and vary each competition. Some disciplines are similar to powerlifting, for example an exercise that comes back a lot is the deadlift. Famous strong men that you might know are Eddie Hall or Brian Shaw.

General Fitness

Our association offers a private fitness area 3 times per week, here you can seek guidance with experienced fellow members of RSC coaches to enhance your lifts. Whether you are a beginner looking to kickstart your fitness journey or an experienced athlete seeking a well-rounded approach, we can help you out.


The mentioned fitness disciplines are just the tip of the iceberg, of course there are many more that can be practiced. At Profectus, all is welcome. We love to teach and learn from each other, so whatever kind of strength sport you do, feel free to come by!